The Loving Earth Project
was started by a few Quakers in 2019 and quickly generated interest from a wide range of people. The Quaker Arts Network (QAN) initially worked partnership with Woodbrooke Quaker Study Centre , supported by other Quaker groups and individuals, running a range of workshops and courses.
QAN remains responsible for the project, working through a small steering group of volunteers. We encourage others to organise their own workshops and events, drawing on our materials and adapting them to local circumstances, and we welcome collaboration with others who share our aims. We are grateful for financial assistance to support exhibitions and publications from Westhill, the Southall Trust, The Edith.M.Ellis Charitable Foundation, and others including a number of Quaker Meetings.
A wide range of community groups have already been involved in the project. This can be a good way to engage in dialogue, learn about the environment, and have fun doing it. Young and old, environmental experts and novices, can share ideas, skills, questions, and hopes.
It’s wonderful to to be working with people in different parts of the world, including through online events. This helps us understand and feel how we are all connected and brings strength and inspiration. Please read our newsletters, and social media and get in touch if you’d like to help .
Copyright of panels and accompanying texts is held jointly by the Loving Earth Project and the Quaker Arts Network. The makers also retain joint copyright in their own panel and are welcome to reproduce them, and those organising Loving Earth Project events also have such reproduction rights.
Some of the groups supporting* the Loving Earth Project are: