All Loving Earth textile panels should be the same finished size: 30cm x 30cm. They can be made of any kind of textile. Any style or technique (embroidery, felting, appliqué , knitting, etc.) is OK, as long as the panel is robust enough to fold up for posting, and to be hung up for display and taken down several times. It’s best to start with a larger piece of fabric and to line or back the panel when it’s finished, but not to add thick elements. The use of recycled or pre-used materials is strongly encouraged.
Here are some basic printable instructions for making panels and some more suggestions and videos.
The written component should be short: 150 words maximum, but most contributions will be much briefer. It should say why the object/place/creature is precious, why it is endangered, and what you plan to do about it. You may want to go back to the three questions we started with, and do a bit more research, think, pray, and/or talk to people before you decide what to write. We will not publish the names of panel makers, so you are the only person who knows what you say you will do – unless you tell others!
What to do with your finished panel:
Please email us when your textile panel is complete and send us a good photo of your panel, together with your accompanying text, name, and contact details. NB don’t forget to say what action(s) you are taking! Please include the name(s) of the maker(s), where they come from, and contact details, including an email address – though these will not be published.
Also you might consider one of the following:
- You could organise a local display of panels, perhaps working with others or a local exhibition venue. Locally-made panels could be joined by some from our touring collection. Please contact us at an early stage if you’d like to do this. More guidance on exhibitions is here.
- Your panel can continue to inspire you and others in your own home or elsewhere. Why not share it on social media?
- The Loving Earth Project Steering Group will be handling the long-term future of the panels so they can best inspire others. Please get in touch if you’re interested in hosting a permanent display or helping in another way. Panels will not normally be returned to individual makers unless specifically requested.