Loving Earth Project in Slovenia


From Friday 8th July to Wednesday 3rd August, open Monday to Friday 8am-3pm
Gornja Radgona Cultural Centre will be hosting an exhibition of 50 Loving Earth Project textile panels.
Address: Kulturni Dom, Partizanska Cesta, Gornja Radgona, 9250, Slovenia
The two themes being explored are ‘Animals’ & ‘Ideas’
Local craftsfolk have also been attending workshops to create their own panels which will be displayed.
There will be an accompanying filmed interview between Jasmine Piercy and Boris Bezjak, a local environmentalist, discussing the eco threats to the River Mura which runs along the Slovenian town’s border with Austria.

Loving Earth Panels in South Belfast

This is the programme so far for the Belfast exhibition which will be linked with the Belfast Imagine Festival.

Exhibition at South Belfast Meeting House,  from Mon 21 to Sat 26 Mar 2022 (inclusive), from 12:00 to 17:00 daily;

  • Exhibition to be formally opened on Mon 21 Mar 2022 @ 12:30 by Kate Nicholl Lord Mayor of Belfast
  • Exhibition also open on Wed 23 and on Fri 25 Mar 2022, from 19:00 to 21:00

Workshops at South Belfast Meeting House 

Thurs 24 and on Sat 26 Mar 2022, from 10:30 to 12:30, max of 12 participants;

  • Civic Conversation to be offered online (via Zoom) on Tues 22 Mar 2022, from 19:30 to 21:00,  focusing on the question, ‘What does ‘Loving Earth’ mean to me?’

A workshop for school pupils only (outside of the Imagine Festival) in South Belfast Meeting House, on Tues 22 Mar 2022, possibly from 10:30 to 12:30.

For more details see: http://www.southbelfastquakers.org/

Loving Earth workshop at Climate Coaching Festival

This online workshop will offer a brief introduction to the Loving Earth Project , a taster workshop (bring paper and coloured crayons, pastels  or similar)  , and an opportunity to discuss how the workshop might be adjusted to different groups and communities. All welcome – free.

This conference ( from 3 rd to 8th March) also offers a range of other materials for supporting climate engagement, and developing coaching and facilitation skills.

More details and to ign up in advance at https://www.climatecoachingalliance.org/festival-program/

Caring for what we love in the face of environmental threats: an international conversation

Invited participants from different parts of the world will introduce this evening’s conversation, selecting some Loving Earth panels as a starting point
Speakers include:
Wopicho Apollo, speaking  from Uganda where he trains a variety of groups about sustainability, adaptation and mitigation measures and plays a leading role in the Friends Church of Uganda (Quakers)
Ed Tyler teaches permaculture in Glasgow and works to create regenerative culture in the Clyde bioregion.
Beverley Ward  is Field Secretary for Earthcare in the South Eastern Yearly Meeting of  Quakers and has a wide range of experience   across the Americas. She will be speaking from Florida.

This event will be held both on Zoom and at the Glasgow Quaker Meeting House, and is free.

To attend on Zoom please book via this link: Eventbrite Caring-for-what-we-love-in-the-world-in-the-face-of-environmental-threats-ONLINE

To attend in person at the Meeting House (where numbers will be limited for Covid-safety) please book via this link: Eventbrite Caring-for-what-we-love-in-the-world-in-the-face-of-environmental-threats-tickets-MEETING HOUSE