Loving Earth exhibition at Scottish Maritime Museum, Dumbarton

A display of Loving Earth panels will continue to be on show at the Scottish Maritime Museum in Dumbarton until the end of January 2022.

A series of textile workshops and other events will be organised during the course of the exhibition.

Open Monday to Saturday 10am to 4pm .

See the museum’s website for further details of exhibition opening times, access and associated events.
NB Please check covid-related information on the museum’s website and book your ticket in advance where possible.



The Loving Earth Project

Loving Earth exhibition at Scottish Maritime Museum, Dumbarton

A display of Loving Earth panels will continue to be on show at the Scottish Maritime Museum in Dumbarton from 25 September until the end of January 2022.

A series of textile workshops and other events will be organised during the course of the exhibition.

Open Monday to Saturday 10am to 4pm .

See the museum’s website for further details of exhibition opening times, access and associated events.
NB Please check covid-related information on the museum’s website and book your ticket in advance where possible.



The Loving Earth Project

Loving Earth workshop in Wendover

Sally Prendergast and David Blackmore will be jointly running a free Loving Earth workshop at St Mary’s on Saturday 25th September 1100-1600,  in conjunction with the exhibition of Loving Earth panels at the church. This will provide an opportunity to reflect on the issues raised by the exhibition and to respond individually and creatively.

There is no need to book – just turn up, enjoy some reflective conversations and start sketching out some ideas. Tea and coffee will be served.

Further details at https://stmaryswendover.org/ .

Cotteridge COP26 Green Fair

This community fair  is  part of West Midlands wide BIG GREEN WEEK to demand action on the climate and ecological emergency.

Speakers, tables and activities identifying how a sustainable future can start in Cotteridge,  includes a small display of Loving Earth Panels and information and guidance on how to get involved.
Opportunities for fun,  learning and good company for all ages!