
There are different ways for groups to  engage with the Loving Earth project.  The main thing is that people  respond to the  three questions and that textile panels are of the right size specification. Beyond that, you are welcome to develop your own workshops, to suit your youth group, craft group, club, friends, spiritual community etc. Some people or groups may wish to make panels showing initiatives they have taken together, explaining why they have done this.

Workshops can be run in person and online, and informal chats for panel makers are good for helping one another explore the issues or and share progress with sewing etc.  You are welcome to advertise your events on our website, and to join those organised by other people.  Please look at our Events page or newsletters for details.

Our Resources page has a range of materials which can be used in workshops, including videos and handouts. You are welcome to adapt them for particular groups. If you would like to discuss your ideas or need help, please get in touch.

You may also like to put on a local display of locally made panels as well as others from our central collection.