Is there someone, something, or somewhere you know and love that’s endangered by environmental breakdown?
How does your lifestyle contribute to that endangerment?
What could you do to help reduce that endangerment? What are you doing?
We invite you to explore these questions creatively. Here are some ways of doing this.
If you wish, you can make a textile panel to illustrate your answer to one of these queries, and write a few words about your response to some or all of them. This can be a good way to reflect more deeply on these issues. More information about this is at here. Over 400 textile panels have already been created , and we’re making plans for future exhibitions to inspire others. If you’d like to host a large display, you’re welcome to get in touch.
Some simple ways to explore the questions include drawing, collage, or discussion. Or you may be inspired to use words or other media. Our green heart postcards can be part of a group event or an exhibition.
Our resources page has short videos and printable guidance that can help you run your own workshop, and you are welcome to develop your own as long as you acknowledge the Loving Earth Project. You may find there’s an event near you if you look at the Quaker Arts Network website , and you’re welcome to add your own events there.