Would you like to host an exhibition of Loving Earth textile panels?
We welcome invitations to host exhibitions. Loving Earth panels are easy to send in the post and are usually displayed using bulldog clips (which are supplied). This offers considerable flexibility but you will need a hanging system or boards. You can see some examples of how they have been hung here. Each panel is accompanied by text that should be displayed alongside it. We can supply texts for you to print in your own style. They fit well onto one sheet of A4 paper, card or board and can whether landscape or portrait style.
We not accept liability associated with exhibitions. We do not require insurance for the panels but we do expect panels to be kept clean, secure and well looked after both during exhibition and in transit. This means that they either need to be behind glass (e.g. in a window display or cabinet) or in a venue where there’s always someone about and not in an area where people might brush up against them or get them dirty. Please do not use sticky materials such as blu-tak or sticky tape to fix panels.
Do not underestimate the importance of early and varied publicity, online, in shops and public buildings as well as within your own community. This is your responsibility. Please post events on the http://quakerarts.net/events/ website at an early stage (you email us further details as appropriate) . Many local authorities and tourist offices offer similar facilities; if you do this promplty ( a couple of months ahead) you may get additional free publicity. We can offer some materials to support publicity Please share your publicity and press materials with us, providing opening times and other details for our website at least a few weeks before the event. We would also welcome photos and a short report in due course.
If you are interested in hosting an exhibition please contact us at an early stage stating your preferred dates, alternative possibilities, and how many sets of 50 panels you would hope to display.
To firm up a booking, please provide the information on our exhibitions booking form
Please contact us if you’d like our booking form.