
  • 03

    Stitch workshop

    19:30 -20:45

    Sitch workshop by Zoom, led by Lottie Percival.

    Learn new skills to stitch your Loving Earth panel.

    £6 : Advance booking essential at

  • 04

    Panel-makers' chat

    19:30 -21:00

    This informal event is for anyone who is making a
    textile panels to contribute to the international community textile project. If you’d like to make a panel, have got started or need more help with design or techniques, come and share your questions and ideas and meet other panel-makers. It would also be lovely to hear reflections from those who have finished your panels, and discuss possible or actual actions to help us live more sustainably in future.

    You çan get started on your panel on your own, using resources on the Loving Earth Project website or with others at a “getting started” workshop  or a Loving Earth Project course – displayed elsewhere on this calendar.

    Please email to book your place and receive the Zoom link.  The meeting will start promptly at 7.30 arrivals from 7.20pm GMT.

  • 18

    Get started on your Loving Earth Project panels

    19:30 -21:00

    This Zoom event will get you started on making a textile panel in any style, to contribute to the international community textile project.

    You’ll be invited to do a little preparation from home in advance of the event though this is not essential and will be welcome to join our online chats for panel makers as your panel progresses, if you like. 

    Please email to book your place and receive the Zoom link.

    All welcome, wherever you are in the world. All times are UK time.


  • 22

    Making a Lockdown Legacy Panel: starting and developing your panel

    19:30 -21:00

    This Zoom event will help you develop or get  started on making a textile panel for the Lockdown Legacy project in any style. If you have already started on your panel (on your own or at another workshop), there will be opportunities to discuss how to develop the design, overcome specific textile challenges, think about how to finish it, and also your ideas for your action on the environment. 

    You’ll be invited to do a little preparation from home in advance of the event if you wish and will be welcome to join our online chats for panel-makers as your panel progresses, if you like.

    Led by Lottie Percival and Sue Tyldesley

    Free . Advance booking essential via Sustainable Merton  

    More information about Sustainable Merton’s Loving Earth Lockdown Legacy project is here