What motivates you to take action on the climate? Where does your strength come from when the going gets tough?
This workshop is an opportunity to reflect on why you have been making changes in your own life and are calling for more action to be take. We will use a short guided meditation, quiet creative exploration, and some sharing with others. It will also prepare you to make a textile panel to join the Loving Earth Project’s travelling exhibition, which we hope to exhibit in Glasgow for COP 26 and on tour before and after. An opportunity to share your inspiration with others and encourage them in the part to a sustainable future.
You’ll be invited to do a little optional preparation from home in advance and will be welcome to join our online chats for panel makers as your panel progresses, if you like.
Free workshop on Earth Day 2021.
Please email us at lovingearthproject@gmail.com to book your place and receive the Zoom link.