The LEP panels will be in the exhibition space at The Station, Richmond, North Yorkshire from 31th March and running until 12th April 2023.
All details here:
Loving Earth – Healing Through Creativity, has involved the Loving Earth Project and a local refugee support group of volunteers and women and children from Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan who are resettling in Richmondshire.
The project has been led by community textile artist, Kathryn Guy.
A community textile project is a central part of involvement in the Loving Earth Project as the process of making a textile panel creates space for reflection and opportunities for conversations and development of skills.
Over the past year, Kathryn has delivered textile workshops to local women and children resettled in the area, where all have engaged successfully with the themes of the Loving Earth Project. These have produced many wonderful examples of creative upcycling.
The work of the group will be exhibited along with a selection of textile panels on loan from the Loving Earth National Project Archive.
As well as showcasing the work of the project, the exhibition will also include an artistically curated journey from beginning to end, demonstrating face to face textile workshops with their specialist tutor, Kathryn.
There will be visual graphics of workshops, participants enjoying time in the Yorkshire Dales National Park, meeting crafters in the local community, sharing and developing new skills and supporting mental health and wellbeing.
The project has been made possible through NYCC Resettlement and Stronger Communities funding.
Details about the workshop on the Go Green Salford 2023 webpage: (there’s a link to the workshop in Week 3, and information about LEP on the carousel at the bottom of the page.
This exhibition coincides with GoGreenSalford month (March) and will be at the University of Salford, MediaCity Campus
Inspirational textiles at Salford University
University of Salford
Orange Tower, Plot B4
M50 2HE
Please download the Poster to see all the planned fortnightly Monday Morning Workshops via this link:
LEP FH workshops poster 2023

Please download the Poster to see all the planned fortnightly Monday Morning Workshops via this link:
LEP FH workshops poster 2023

The Climate Fresk is a fun exercise to learn about the science of climate change, based on IPCC reports.. In small groups we share understanding of causal links between various human activities and environmental changes. Better understanding will make us clearer about what needs to change and what we can do about it.
This event will use the Loving Earth questions as one of the options to help us think about what we have learned. It will be suitable for people aged about 12 and over (accompanied by an adult).
Advance Booking essential
Free, but a collection towards expenses will be taken . Bring your own lunch; hot drinks available.
More information about CLimate Fresk including other workshops available at