Loving Earth Project in Slovenia


From Friday 8th July to Wednesday 3rd August, open Monday to Friday 8am-3pm
Gornja Radgona Cultural Centre will be hosting an exhibition of 50 Loving Earth Project textile panels.
Address: Kulturni Dom, Partizanska Cesta, Gornja Radgona, 9250, Slovenia
The two themes being explored are ‘Animals’ & ‘Ideas’
Local craftsfolk have also been attending workshops to create their own panels which will be displayed.
There will be an accompanying filmed interview between Jasmine Piercy and Boris Bezjak, a local environmentalist, discussing the eco threats to the River Mura which runs along the Slovenian town’s border with Austria.

LEP Workshop at Jordans

Click on the poster for more details about exhibition and workshops:

Make your personal response to the Loving Earth questions, at this workshop, one of three to  accompany the exhibition at Jordans Quaker Centre.

Workshop 10 am to noon. Refreshments from 9.30 am
Book your place by emailing  us at   office@jordansquakercentre.org

If you choose to make a textile response, please email a photo of it along with your text, and we’ll add it to our online gallery.

LEP Workshop at Jordans

Make your personal response to the Loving Earth questions, at this workshop, one of three to  accompany the exhibition at Jordans Quaker Centre.

Workshop 10 am to noon. Refreshments from 9.30 am
Book your place by emailing  us at   office@jordansquakercentre.org

If you choose to make a textile response, please email a photo of it along with your text, and we’ll add it to our online gallery.

LEP Workshop at Jordans

Make your personal response to the Loving Earth questions, at this workshop, one of three to  accompany the exhibition at Jordans Quaker Centre.

Workshop 10 am to noon. Refreshments from 9.30 am
Book your place by emailing  us at   office@jordansquakercentre.org

If you choose to make a textile response, please email a photo of it along with your text, and we’ll add it to our online gallery.