We’re preparing for an interesting conversation, exploring what we can do ourselves and with others – from the local community to the international organisations- to address the challenges of environmental breakdown. We are pleased to welcome Stella Weinrich to join the conversation from a local government perspective.
Book your place in advance .Sadly, Jo Hand from Giki.earth is unable to join us after all, but do have a look at Giki’s website to find out more about ways to reduce your carbon footprint. You could take their Giki.badges app with you shopping too; if you scan the bar codes it will tell you how sustainable the product is. Easy!
Loving Earth Exhibition will go online
Due to Covid Restrictions the exhibition at Riverhouse Barn Arts Centre due to open on 6 January will now go online on their website. The programme of online events will not be affected . See our events page and https://riverhousebarn.co.uk/whats-on/https-thelittleboxoffice-com-riverhouse-event-view-92770/
Loving Earth Project greeting cards now available.

2021: a year of changes to save the future?
2021 kicks off with an exhibition of over 80 Loving Earth textile panels at the Robert philipps Gallery, Riverhouse Barn Arts Centre in Walton on Thames (Covid permitting), and a panel discussion exploring what we can do about the issues raised by panel-makers. Courses and workshops organised by Woodbrooke and Quaker Arts Network accompany the exhibition and offer different ways for people to join the project and explore how we might make changes without becomeing overwhelmed by the environmental crisis. While you’re stuck indoors this winter, why not take the opportunity to reflect creatively with us and commit to an action to help care for what you love? Then you could make a textile panel to inspire others!
Details on our Events page
October 2020 newsletter now available
You can see our latest newsletter here and also sign up to receive future onesand sign up to receive future ones .
COVID and our environment: Sustainable Merton launches local Loving Earth Project
First events now fixed up: see https://lovingearth-project.uk/events/

If you’re interested in getting involved, please contact them at info@sustainablemerton.org
sustainablemerton.org // loving-earth-project.uk
Deepening Our Commitment: Loving Earth Project course starts
This first Loving Earth Project course organised by Woodbrooke starts this week. All welcome – whether or not you’re a textile artist, or a Quaker . If you want to engage creatively with the challenges of moving towards sustainability, this course may be for you. Six weeks online, starting 14th September. https://www.woodbrooke.org.uk/item/deepening-our-commitment-loving-earth-project/
New book features Loving Earth Project

Loving Earth Project at Celebration Earth!
Sadly the Celebration Earth! festival of arts and sustainability at St Alban’s cathedral on 19th September, has been cancelled for COVID-19reasons.
Loving Earth Project is international.
We are delighted to have introductions to the project in French, Spanish and Dutch and anticipate further documents in these languages soon.
Contributions to the Loving Earth Project from around the world are welcome. If you would like to help with further translations, or to be a local/regional Loving Earth contact person, please get in touch.