Caring for what we love in the face of environmental threats

In this evening’s panel discussion, invited speakers  will talk about some particular challenges depicted by Loving Earth panels of their choice, what is being or can be done locally,  and what more needs to be done at national and international levels. There will also be opportunities for audience participation. 

Speakers will include:

Alistair McIntosh – Glasgow Quaker and environmental campaigner
Zarina Ahmed – Climate change and environment officer
Gillian McFarland – Visual artist working on land use
 Lindsey Fielder Cook –  Quaker United Nations Office
Jon Slowe: Director, Delta Energy & Environment consultancy

Rici Marshall Cross  (Edinburgh Quakers) will be the MC.

This panel discussion will be held both at Glasgow Meeting House and on Zoom, and is Free.

Book here to join us on Zoom

Book here to join us at Glasgow Meeting House,   (numbers limited for COVID restrictions. subject to availability of space and COVID restrictions).


Loving Earth exhibition in Wendover, Buckinghamshire

An exhibition of Loving Earth Project panels from our collection will be held at St Mary’s Church in Wendover, as part of  Great Big Green Week, from 18 to 25th September.

The exhibition opening times are as follows:

  • Saturday 18th September: 12.00-17.00
  • Sunday 19th September:   12.30-17.00
  • Weekdays:                         11.30-17.00
  • Saturday 25th September: Workshop 11.00-16.00
  • Sunday 26th September:   12.30-17.00



Loving Earth panels at Maryhill Burgh Halls

A selection of Loving Earth Project’s textile panels will be on display in the foyer of Maryhill Burgh Hall during COP 26 and in the weeks before it.

Come and see some beautiful textile images in different styles made by a variety of people in around the world, about some of the things they personally love, what needs to happen to avoid damage to them from climate and environmental breakdown,  and what the panel- makers are doing to help.

What do you love?  You can also add your own contribution to the installation of Loving Earth postcards at Maryhill Burgh Halls.


Opening times are generally Monday – Friday (10am – 6pm). Please see the Hall website for updates and more details.