Loving Earth Project at Glasgow Quaker Meeting House

A selection of textile panels from our international collection continues to be shown  at the Meeting House during COP 26 fortnight.

The exhibition will be open to the public from Friday 5th till Sunday 7th November inclusive, from 1 till 5pm. All welcome.

The rest of the time those attending other events at the Meeting house users of the Meeting will have the opportunity to see this display. This includes the  discussion of issues raised by Loving Earth textile panels, on the evening of 3rd November (at the Meeting House and on Zoom).

More information about events for COP 26 organised by Scottish Quakers is available at https://www.quakerscotland.org/cop26 .

NB Unfortunately the Meeting Room is not wheelchair accessible – it is up some steep stairs.

Words for the Earth: an online poetry event

Join us on Zoom for readings of their poetry by four Quaker poets, responding to the climate crisis,  introduced by Jennifer Kavanagh.

  • Ella Otomewo is a poet who found her voice in the spoken word community years ago, and now writes for both the page and the stage. She lives in Manchester.
  • Philip Gross is mostly a poet, for adults and young people, a former academic and a keen collaborator across art forms.  He won the T. S. Eliot Prize, 2009. His home is in South Wales. 
  • Sam Donaldson writes poetry, runs spiritual retreats and has been active on a range of peace, humanitarian and environmental issues. He’s based in Humberside.
  • Stevie Krayer is a poet whose publications include three collections of poetry and an anthology (co-edited with R V Bailey) of Quaker poets. Brought up in London’s East End, she has lived in Wales for nearly 30 years.

Jennifer Kavanagh worked in publishing for many years and has written a number of fiction and non-fiction books herself.

Free but advance booking essential . Book here .All welcome.

This event is organised by the Quaker Arts Network quakerarts.net.

Cotteridge COP26 Green Fair

This community fair  is  part of West Midlands wide BIG GREEN WEEK to demand action on the climate and ecological emergency.

Speakers, tables and activities identifying how a sustainable future can start in Cotteridge,  includes a small display of Loving Earth Panels and information and guidance on how to get involved.
Opportunities for fun,  learning and good company for all ages!

Caring for what we love in the face of environmental threats

In this evening’s panel discussion, invited speakers  will talk about some particular challenges depicted by Loving Earth panels of their choice, what is being or can be done locally,  and what more needs to be done at national and international levels. There will also be opportunities for audience participation. 

Speakers will include:

Alistair McIntosh – Glasgow Quaker and environmental campaigner
Zarina Ahmed – Climate change and environment officer
Gillian McFarland – Visual artist working on land use
 Lindsey Fielder Cook –  Quaker United Nations Office
Jon Slowe: Director, Delta Energy & Environment consultancy

Rici Marshall Cross  (Edinburgh Quakers) will be the MC.

This panel discussion will be held both at Glasgow Meeting House and on Zoom, and is Free.

Book here to join us on Zoom

Book here to join us at Glasgow Meeting House,   (numbers limited for COVID restrictions. subject to availability of space and COVID restrictions).



Join this Zoom event, organised by Christian Aid Scotland, exploring how creativity can inspire us to change the world.

We’ll be talking with people who advocate for climate justice through creative practice. The panel of guests includes:

  • ID Campbell, UNESCO artist
  • David Coleman, Chaplain for Eco-Congregations Scotland
  • Dr Anna Fisk, climate activist, theologian and knitter
  • Rev Kathy Galloway, poet and hymn writer
  • Linda Murgatroyd, Quaker Arts Network and Loving Earth Project co-ordinator
  • Seonaid Knox, Prophetic Activist for Christian Aid, will guide our creative and curious conversations.

Details and bookings  here

This event is being held as part of Climate Fringe Week.

For more information about this pre-COP26 festival, check out the Climate Fringe website.